Finding novel, highly-motivating activities has always been a challenge. The push for creativity and out-of-the-box thinking is an ongoing reality especially with tele-therapy becoming the new normal. Recently, I started embellishing my speech sessions with
Parents have expressed their concern about providing speech therapy in a language that is not their home language. The fear of their child forgetting their home language can be concerning. In America, the education
In a world full of ever-changing technology, books are everlasting. Can you think of the last time you read a book in your childhood? Interesting storylines, colorful illustrations, dazzling pages, never judging any book
First of all, what is spatial awareness? Spatial awareness is making sense of the space around us, it is part of our perception. This is an important skill that children develop at an early
Parents often ask, “How long will my child be in therapy?” While there is no concrete answer, we do encourage parents/caregivers to be actively involved during the client’s therapy sessions. The duration of the
Germs. Germs are everywhere! Sure, everyone knows that WE MUST WASH OUR HANDS AFTER WE USE THE BATHROOM, but what other measures should we take to prevent further spread of germs? What can we
Questions you may have for the SLP (speech and language pathologist) before the evaluation: What is an evaluation? An evaluation is an overall assessment of your child’s speech and language skills. The SLP will
Integrando los 5 sentidos para aumentar vocabulario ha sido uno de mis mayores intereses. Desde que comenzé a trabajar con niños con autismo me dí cuenta que usando la mayor cantidad posible de sentidos
A través del juego se puede aumentar el vocabulario de los niños y hasta de los adultos. Un juego puede ser desde un avión hecho de papel hasta un juego comprado en una tienda.
El Sr. Papa ha sido uno de los juguetes que ha pasado de generación en generación y se a convertido entre los favoritos gracias a la película Toy Story. Aquí les daré unas ideas